Saturday, December 18, 2010

In the presence of our elder sibling, how can we be anything but awed? Inspired? Energized? ACTIVATED? Saturday December 11th saw a group of Native Hawaiians being inspired, energized and reactivated in the ancient practice of creating pa`i `ai from kalo. With its roots in our past, this cultural practice is alive and well right here in Utah. Slowly our people here are reconnecting to what is inherently ours and what better way to start than with our elder sibling Haloa?
Typically there is at least one community ku'i a month, and you are ALL invited to come and participate, even if it's just by observing and enjoying the immense aloha that is always present when we gather. Make sure you follow us so you're always updated!

Here are some photos of our most recent ku'i, mahalo nunui to all of those who were present, both seen and unseen, and we look forward to seeing everyone at the next ku'i. Until then, ho'omau e na 'oiwi!

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